An Alternative Way to Learn: Learning Pods
Learning Pods supported by Jill’s Tutors helps connect your child to small groups of 4-6+ kids, led by a certified teacher or teacher-in-training. Get a superior, socially distanced co-op learn-at-home experience!
Contact me (Jill) today so we can set up your group tutoring Learning Pod right away.
📞 To Inquire: Just Call or Text
512-598-5135 Today.
Or e-mail us at
Jill's Tutors has Learning Pods support in Austin, Dallas, and Houston, TX. But with enough interest, we can try to launch in a test market near you. Want us to set up a Learning Pod for your child? Give us a call today!

Be sure to check out our forum, The Learning Pod Connection, dedicated solely to helping parents and guardians find pods and other pod members in their area. It's a totally free community. No commitment. No obligation.
Parents Look to Learning Pods for 2022-2023 School Year
For parents who are interested in exploring an alternative option for education this school year, we have a good one for you to consider!
While homeschooling remains a viable educational substitute for parents looking to continue quarantining, many families are also looking to learning pods as well.
So, what are learning pods?
These “pods” are a way for two to three families to agree to learn with one another. In these pods, families homeschool their children in one environment, while also creating a space for their children to socialize with regular playdates and activities.
Interested in setting up a learning pod of your own?
If you think your family may be interested in joining a learning pod, there are a few things to consider first.
Safety Concerns: Think about who you choose to approach: Are you concerned with lingering Covid? Who you choose to set up a learning pod with is essential to the safety of everyone involved. To minimize your risk of catching and spreading COVID-19, you’ll want to find a family that is being as careful as yours. That means a family who is spending more time at home, limiting their social contact, and wearing protective face coverings when they go out in public, etc.
Consider a family that is low risk for complications from the virus: When picking a family to team up with, it’s important to consider everyone’s potential risk of complications from the virus. If a family is at a higher risk, it’s essential to make sure everyone involved is comfortable with the additional threats the pod poses.
Size. We recommend keeping it small. This ensures your children are getting optimal teacher-student time, while also continuing to get social perks as well. Most learning pods are conducting in a smaller environment, too, with parents providing resources. Sometimes, more people can add more complications. Aim for two to three families with 5 to 10 people involved.
Chemistry. Pick a family that gets along well with your family: Chemistry is key in these pods. Not only is it important to make sure that your kids like each other, but that the parents get along as well. Consider the other family’s strengths and ask yourself if they will make this learning experience better for your family and sustainable for the school year. (If you're looking for other members to team up with and form a pod, be sure to check out our forum, the Pod Connection, specifically for linking pod families).
Once you have locked down another family or two for the pod, set up a Zoom or FaceTime with them to go over the ground rules. Come up with a set of guidelines for everyone to follow and a protocol if someone becomes sick.
You can even set up a two-week trial to make sure everyone gets along and is on the same page. Most importantly, everyone should feel free to make whatever decision is best for their family with no hard feelings involved.
Finally, settle on your educator. Whether you’ll be using a teacher from the school or working with an outside source, Jill’s Tutors has a wide variety of online tutors and educators available for all subjects and all levels of learning.
Simply call or text 512-598-5135 or email us at, and we’ll set you up with one of our talented educators.
Are you a teacher interested in leading a Learning Pod?
Jill's Tutors is looking for qualified teachers/teachers-in-training and experienced tutors interested in leading learning pods.
If you are interested, please shoot us an e-mail at Please include a cover letter (in the e-mail body) and your resume.